Application Forms for Permits to Drill and Modify Wells

Well Applications / Registrations

District staff will review the registration and make preliminary determination as to whether the well meets the exclusions/exceptions. If the preliminary rule is that the well is excluded/exempt, the registrant may begin drilling or modification upon receiving the approved registration. If the preliminary determination of the District is that the well is not excluded / exempt, then the registrant must file an application for an Operating Permit from the District before the well may be drilled, altered, or modified.

Well Registration / Application Form

(use for application for new wells, or modification or replacement of existing well)

Registration of Existing Well Form

 Existing Well Registration

This form is to be used to register a well drilled in the District before January 1, 2002. This form must be completed and returned to the District. A registration number will be issued for each well hereby registered after District personnel and the well owner have determined the location of the well.

Notice to Purchasers Document

Notice to Purchasers

This document is used to inform new property owners of the existence of the Real-Edwards Conservation and Reclamation District as a taxing entity within Real County or Edwards County.

Operating permit applications and other operating permit forms may be obtained by contacting the District office at (830) 232-5733 or by emailing [email protected].